Minutes & Agendas


Ordinary Council Agendas


Ordinary Council Minutes

    Meeting Dates

All Council meetings (unless otherwise decided by Council) are open to the public.  Residents, ratepayers and other interested parties are welcome to attend.

Meetings commence at 6:00pm and are held in the Council Chambers at 55 Abel Street Boyup Brook WA 6244.

Special meetings of Council are held on an 'as required' basis.

Please see dates and time set below.  Any change to a schedule meeting date will be advertised in the gazette.

Meeting Dates for 2024

29 February 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

28 March 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

18 April 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

30 May 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

27 June 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

25 July 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

29 August 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

26 September 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

31 October 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

28 November 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

19 December 2024 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6:00pm

Meeting Dates for 2023

4 January 2023 - Special Council meeting commences at 10.00am

9 February 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

9 February 2023 - Special Council Meeting commences at 7.00pm

16 February 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

02 March 2023 - Special Council Meeting commences at 3.00pm

02 March 2023 - Special Council Meeting commences at 3.30pm

15 March 2023 - Special Council Meeting commences at 12.00pm

23 March 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

30 March 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

20 April 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

27 April 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

18 May 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

25 May 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

22 June 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

29 June 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

20 July 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

27 July 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

24 August 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

31 August 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

21 September 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

28 September 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

19 October 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

26 October 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

23 November 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

30 November 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

7 December 2023 - Briefing session commences at 6.00pm

14 December 2023 - Ordinary Council meeting commences at 6.00pm

    Procedures for Public Question Time

In accordance with Part 2, section 5.24(1)(b) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, a maximum of 15 minutes is made available for public question time at every meeting to which the local government has delegated a power. 

At the Shire we are committed to involving the public in the decision-making process. The ability to ask a question at our Council meetings is viewed as an integral part of the public's ability to participate.

a. Public Question Time provides the public with an opportunity to put questions to the Council. Questions should only relate to the business of the Council and should not be a statement or personal opinion;
b. During the Council meeting, after Public Question Time no member of the public may interrupt the meetings’ proceedings or enter into conversation;
c. Whenever possible questions should be submitted in writing at least 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting;
d. All questions should be directed to the Presiding Member and only questions relating to matters affecting Council may be answered at an Ordinary Council Meeting and at a Special Council Meeting only questions that relate to the purpose of the meeting may be answered. Questions may be taken on notice and responded to after the meeting at the discretion of the Presiding Member;
e. The Presiding Member will control Question Time and ensure each person wishing to ask a question states their name and address before asking the question. If the question relates to an item on the agenda the item number should also be stated. In general, persons seeking to ask questions will be given two (2) minutes within which to address their question to Council. The Presiding Member may shorten or lengthen this time at their discretion.

Please click on the link to download the form - Public Question Time

    Committees of Council

A Committee of Council does not have delegated powers to make decisions, their recommendations are put before Council.

Recommendations from a Committee meeting cannot be implemented until approval is given by Council.

  • Accept the recommendation put forward and adopt it without further debate/discussion;
  • Withdraw a particular item for further discussion or modification or propose that another course of action be taken;
  • Defer making a decision on an item, pending further consideration/discussion at an appropriate meeting.

As such, recommendations from a Committee meeting cannot be implemented until approval is given by Council.