Shire Statistics

According to the most recent  Census, there are 1,702 people in the Shire. Of those 50.2% are male and 49.8% female. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make up 1.2% of the population. The median age of people in the Shire is 49 years. Children aged 0-14 years make up 18.6% of the population and people aged 65 years and over make up 24% of the population. The Shire has a very low unemployment rate of around 4.9%.

Boyup Brook population

RDA South West Community Profile

Age refers to a person’s age at last birthday. The ‘Age’ profile of the resident population details the age distribution within the region.
When compared to other regions, or previous Census data, the changing population and growth (or decline) of a particular age group and trends can be identified and demonstrated. These demographic shifts and changes in population are expected to have impacts on the demand for infrastructure and services within the region.Age corresponds with the ABS Census variable ‘AEGP Age’. This variable is applicable to all persons. Age is calculated from date of birth, however if this is not provided, stated age is used. If neither is provided, age is imputed.
Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census of Population and Housing, REMPLAN Community.

Boyup Brook family stats

RDA South West Community Profile

This demographic measure counts the number of members in a family, regardless of age.

It includes other related individuals who are not part of the primary couple relationship, and other related individuals who are not part of a lone parent-child relationship or other blood relationship (e.g. it includes in-laws). The stage of the family life cycle will have impacts on demand for community infrastructure and services. By being able to geographically drill into this data at the Statistical Local Area, SA2 or down to SA1 level allows for specific and detailed planning at the precinct and community level. This variable is applicable to families in family households. It includes a ‘Not applicable’ category, which comprises:

  • Unrelated persons living in family households
  • Non-family/Non-classifiable households
  • Unoccupied private dwellings
  • Non-private dwellings
  • Migratory, off-shore and shipping SA1s

Persons in Family corresponds with the ABS Census variable ‘CPRF Count of Persons in Family’.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census of Population and Housing, REMPLAN Community.

RDA South West Community Profile 

This variable records a person's labour force status for the week prior to Census Night. People aged 15 years and over who are neither employed nor unemployed are classified as not in the labour force. This includes people who are retired, pensioners and people engaged solely in home duties.

Information about employment type is important for a wide range of social and economic policy and planning purposes. The Census of Population and Housing and the Labour Force Survey (LFS) both measure information about the labour market activity of people aged 15 years and over. The Census provides a five yearly snapshot with social-economic data at a small area level, while the Labour Force Survey is based on a monthly household survey. This variable is applicable to persons aged 15 years and over. It includes a 'Not applicable' category, which comprises:

  • Persons aged under 15 years

Labour Force Status corresponds with the ABS Census variable 'LFSP Labour Force Status'.

Source: Australian Bureau of Statistics 2016 Census of Population and Housing, REMPLAN Community.