
Policies are determined by Council and may be amended or waived according to circumstances. This power is conveyed to Council in section 2.7(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995. Policies cannot be made in relation to those powers and duties given directly to the CEO by the Act.

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The objectives of the Council's Policy Manual are:

  • to provide Council with a formal written record of all policy decisions;
  • to provide the staff with clear direction to enable them to respond to issues and act in accordance with Council’s general direction;
  • to enable Councillors to adequately handle enquiries from electors without undue reference to the staff or the Shire;
  • to enable Council to maintain a continual review of Council policy decisions and to ensure they are in keeping with community expectations, current trends and circumstances;
  • to enable electors to obtain immediate advice on matters of Council Policy.
  • Policies are to relate to issues of an on-going nature; policy decisions on single issues are not to be recorded in the manual.

Policies should not be confused with management practices or operational procedures, which are determined by the CEO, as a mechanism for good management, and implementation of council policies. Council will conduct a complete review of all policies at least every three years.

A copy of the Policy Manual, together with details of variations as they occur, shall be distributed to all Councillors and appropriate staff.  The manuals are to remain the property of the Shire.

 Changes to Council Policy shall be made only on

  1. The outcome of the Annual Review or
  2. An agenda item clearly setting out details of the proposed amendment

Users should be mindful of the fact that, in simple terms:

  • Policy provides what can be done;
  • Procedures provide for how to do it;
  • Delegation provides for who can do it.

It is important to note that the Shire’s adopted policies have been made to facilitate:

  • Consistency and equity in decision making;
  • Promptness in responding to customer needs; and
  • Operational efficiency.

Click HERE to view the Policy Manual.



A principle or value which represents Council’s view on a matter and determines the way in which a matter is dealt with.

Policies will generally only be developed if they will further the achievement of the Shire’s strategic goals or contribute to the fulfilment of mandatory obligations. They are intended to give guidance to staff on what is permissible when dealing with certain matters. They guide the discretionary part of Council’s decision making and form an essential step in the delegation of the Shire’s powers and duties.

Management Practice

A series of actions conducted in a certain order or manner to perform a task.

Management practices represent the strategies and actions by which a policy is implemented and may detail the steps and processes to be observed by staff.

Management practices are a function of management and are subject to review at any time according to circumstances, to ensure that policies are being implemented in a correct, efficient and effective manner.