Road Construction and Maintenance
The Shire of Boyup Brook’s Works and Services team are responsible for the maintenance and construction of all local roads within the municipality. The Shire budgets annually to maintain, upgrade, widen, seal and reconstruct local roads.
To report pot holes and other road repairs please contact the Shire office.
Main Roads Western Australia is responsible for the maintenance of major roads within the Shire. Please contact Main Roads (24 hours) on 138 138 to report maintenance (including bridges) and traffic issues on the below roads:
- Donnybrook / Boyup Brook Road (Road Ref. M13)
- Boyup Brook / Kojonup Road (Road Ref. M13)
- Bridgetown / Boyup Brook Road (Road Ref.M6)
- Abel Street from the BP to Bridge Street (M13)
- Bridge Street from Abel Street to the tennis courts (M13)
- Cailes Street from Abel Street to the Saleyards (M06)