Dial Before You Dig / Before You Dig Australia
The Shire of Boyup Brook supports the Before You Dig Australia (BYDA) service in Western Australia. Contractors planning to carry out excavation within the Shire are advised to seek information on the location of existing underground assets by contacting BYDA www.byda.com.au
Obtain asset locality plans by contacting the BYDA service.
Note: Plans should always be kept on-site during excavation.
Potholing is to be carried out to establish the exact location of underground assets using a hand shovel.
Protecting and supporting exposed plant is the responsibility of the constructor. Always erect safety barriers in areas at risk to protect underground assets.
Proceed only after planning, potholing and protecting all existing underground assets.
All enquires relating to underground drainage assets controlled by the Shire of Boyup Brook should be directed to the Shire’s Manager of Works on (08) 9765 1220.