Business Opportunities
The economy in Boyup Brook is based on primary industry, with the emphasis clearly on broad scale agriculture. The function of the town of Boyup Brook is as an agricultural service centre, with its associated complement of secondary industry (manufacturing) and tertiary or service industry (commerce and government).
Several commercial activities directly associated with the district’s primary production are established within the town site. These include the CBH grain terminal, machinery dealers, agricultural suppliers, stock agents, livestock transporters and real estate agents.
Council's Philosophy in Economic Development
Council is committed to the promotion of Boyup Brook and the district as a preferred location for enterprise development and economic investment in the region. Council will assist enterprises that add value to the district’s strengths and/or are innovative or technologically advanced to remain and prosper, or establish in Boyup Brook.
In order to achieve the above objectives, Council believes that:
"Spirit Corresponds with Success"
We will leverage our resources and forge partnerships that deliver results. Successful economic development begins with people. Our belief is that the process of working out an agreement includes a sincere commitment towards a mutually satisfactory outcome.
Our economic development philosophy is simple: New business development is the result of public and private relationships which are based on trust, understanding, respect, and friendship. The world is changing. As our region looks for new ways to prosper in this global economy, we recognise the urgent need to support our industries most challenged by competitive pressures. At the same time, our economic development efforts will continue to encourage diversification.
Economic development is both a process and a program which promotes a self supporting local economy by creating jobs in a variety of employment opportunities; maintains and enhances the general business climate; increases business activity; expands and diversifies the rates base to support and finance necessary infrastructure and community services. It must serve to maintain and further enrich the community's quality of life.
The Shire of Boyup Brook vigorously seeks opportunities to help the private sector build the local economy through commercial, industrial, or residential projects. Special consideration is given to economic development projects which will create new jobs, increase property values, and/or generate new revenue within the community.
Advantages of Locating Business in Boyup Brook include:
- a proactive Shire Council who seeks new business enterprise
- location at geographical centre of the Blackwood River basin
- quality of life town/region has to offer
- clean, pollution-free environment
- proximity to local agricultural industry
- local sales prospects
- good location relative to other major regional centres
- reliable water, electricity and gas supplies
- accessible transport
- land is available and not expensive
- room for expansion
- presence of key linked industries
- quality and supply of local labour force
- reliable transport to markets
- housing available for employees
- availability of District High School and private school
- costs of setting up businesses are often cheaper than the city
- sports facilities
- friendly people
Agriculture continues to be the major component of Boyup Brook’s economy. The main activities are sheep, cattle and pig farming, cereal cropping and canola oil seeds.
Business Help
The Boyup Brook Shire will help facilitate business expansion, relocation or start-up on a case-by-case basis. The Shire takes a flexible approach to help facilitate business to establish. Enterprises establishing in Boyup Brook are already advantaged by lower land costs, lower costs of living and Boyup Brook regional location to the southwest.
Information and advice is available from the Shire office about:
- access to various levels of government
- council approval processes
- where to go for support, information and assistance
- access to Boyup Brook promotional material (brochures, etc)
- promotion of "buy locally" campaigns
- provision of statistical information (i.e. economic, demographic and social) and general information on Boyup Brook
Boyup Brook forms the centre for a population of over 35,000 people, all within approximately a 70 minute radius of the town.
Adjacent population centres – Population (2024 Local Government Directory)
Boyup Brook
West Arthur
The Country Music Festival and Awards, which occurs in February each year, attracts over 4,000 visitors to Boyup Brook.