Rural Road Numbering

Please click on the link to access an Application for Rural Road Numbering.

Rural Property Address Numbers are a national standard applied across Australia for rural addressing.

Rural Property Addressing is a simple distance based system – numbers are allocated in sequence, based on how far your property entrance is from the nominated start of the road. Odd numbers are on the left and even numbers are on the right. If a property’s number is 327, it is on the left side and 3.27 kilometres from the start of the road. If the number is 1026, it is on the right side and 10.26 kilometres from the start.

A rural property address number is allocated to every land parcel with a substantial building on the property, including all outbuildings and residential dwellings. The rural property address number is to replace previous RMB and lot numbers however, it does not change any legal lot number.

Once the rural road number is determined for your property, Shire staff will notify Landgate to include the rural property address in the State Addresses database.
If there are two entrances to separate buildings on a property, each of them are allocated a rural property address number. This helps to identify an entrance to a property for emergency services and ease of locating rural properties.

If you haven’t been assigned a rural property address number or think you require one, please contact the Shire of Boyup Brook on 9765 1200 or email 

If you believe that we have made a mistake in numbering, we need to be told. This may be due to the fact that we could not clearly identify your entrance from an aerial photograph, or that you have two entrances to the same building and we did not know which the preferred address was. Whatever the reason we will examine the problem and change your address if required.

You are not to move the number without Local Government approval as the number must remain clearly visible at all times from the road. The number not only identifies your property but also helps guide Emergency Service responders as they travel along your road.