Role of Planning
There are two key components of town and regional planning:
- Strategic Planning integrates economic, social, environmental and infrastructure issues to identify possible options for new development and land use.
- Statutory Planning regulates land use and development to effectively limit conflict.
An overview of the Western Australian planning system can be found at:
Strategic Planning
At a state-wide level, the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for the State Planning Strategy, which aims to coordinate and promote regional land use planning and development in Western Australia.
At a local level, the Shire foresees Boyup Brook as a safe and vibrant commercial and employment centre with a range of living opportunities and services to support aged persons, tourists and families.
The Shire is actively planning to:
- Protect the environment;
- Support the Community;
- Improve the Economy;
- Advocate for improved Infrastructure; and
- Advocate for new development.
Statutory Planning
Local Planning Scheme No 2
Development within the Shire of Boyup Brook is administered through the Local Planning Scheme No.2 (the Scheme).
The Scheme consists of the Scheme Text and Scheme Maps. It divides the Shire into zones to identify areas for particular uses. It also divides land into reserves for various purposes. Most importantly, the Scheme controls the types of uses and development allowed in different zones.
A copy of the scheme can be found at The Department of Planning website :
Local Planning Policy
In addition to the scheme, local planning policies have been adopted to provide additional guidance measures for land use and development.
Policies can be found in the Policy Manual in the Document Centre.
State Planning and Development Control Policies
Additionally, land use and development is considered having referred to state planning and development control policies, In particular the Residential Design Codes, State Planning Policy 2.5 – Rural Planning, Development Control Policy 3.4 – Subdivision of Rural Land, State Planning Policy 3.7 – Planning in Bushfire Prone Area and State Planning Policy 4.1 – Industrial Buffer. Refer to the WAPC website for state planning policy information.
Planning Applications
A person proposing development is required to make an application to Council for development approval before obtaining a building permit or commencing operation of a use.
What information is required with the Planning Application?
Council requires the following information to be submitted with a planning application:
- A completed Development Application form signed by the owner of the land.
The development application form can be found by clicking on the link: Application for Development Approval
Please click on the link: Checklist for processing a Development Application
- The planning application fee.
- A written and illustrated description of the proposal.
You are encouraged to contact the Planning Officer early in the development process to discuss Council’s requirements and ensure a smooth process.
Please contact the Shire Administration Office 9765 1200 or email [email protected].
The Application Process
Upon receipt of a planning application, Council’s Planning Officer will undertake an assessment of the proposed development that may involve referral to neighbouring landowners for comment. Further information will be sought where necessary. The application is then presented to Council for a decision.
Council holds meetings, generally on the fourth Thursday of each month, however for an application to be considered in this monthly meeting, it must meet the agenda deadline.
Please contact the Shire Administration office 9765 1200 for further information on meeting and agenda dates.
In considering an application for planning approval, the Council may grant approval, with or without such conditions or refuse to grant its approval. The applicant has a right of appeal against any decision of refusal or any condition imposed on a planning approval.
Rights of Appeal
Should an applicant feel aggrieved by any decision made by Council (including any condition of approval that might be imposed) there is a 28-day period from the date of the actual planning decision in which an Appeal may be lodged with the State Administrative Tribunal (SAT).
Subdivision applications are made to the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and administered by the Department of Planning in Bunbury.
Tel: (08) 9791 0577 The term ‘subdivision' includes subdivision, amalgamation and boundary adjustments.
Subdivision application forms and a Guide to Subdivision Applications & Fees can be found on the Department's website.
Scheme Amendments
In order to permit certain land use or development on a particular property, the zone may fist need to be changed.
Changing a zone within the Local Planning Scheme can be a complex and lengthy process involving the Council, the Department of Planning, the Western Australian Planning Commission, the Environmental Protection Authority and other servicing and governmental authorities.
A Scheme Amendment (rezoning) must first be initiated by Council, approved by the EPA, publically advertised and finally endorsed and gazetted by the Minister for Planning.
Scheme Amendments normally require a minimum of 12 months to process through the local and state government systems, but more commonly take between 18 to 24 months to complete.
For further information pertaining to Town and Regional Planning within the Shire of Boyup Brook, please contact:
Planning Officer
Adrian Nicoll on 0408777010
[email protected]