Pine Plantations in Boyup Brook

Published on Monday, 29 January 2024 at 2:32:38 PM

Pine Plantations in Boyup Brook

The State Government campaign to expand State owned pine plantations in Boyup Brook is progressing as the Forest Products Commission purchases more farming properties to convert to pine plantations. There are local and real Social, Economic and Environmental issues associated with this State Government program to spend $350m changing land tenure. However, in Boyup Brook we can minimise the impact and generate Local opportunity at the same time.

Consider "Small Lot Forestry" (say l0ha to 40ha - 1 or multiple sites) on your property where you receive annual income from Carbon Credits - that is real dollars in the bank (typically over the last few years around $600/ha per year for the first 18 years) then at around plantation age 25 years - 30years you receive income from harvest and sale of pine logs according to your production plan. This timber is Primary Production for taxation purposes with the capacity to generate substantial returns.

Some points to note are:

  • The Forest Products Commission has historically offered to provide establishment support (such as free seedlings with conditions)
  • The Timber Hub "Decision Tree" is a Federal Government support tool to assist with site selection and budgeting
  • Industry has offered to provide Carbon Credit accumulation, market and regulation support with conditions
  • Industry can offer options for pine log supply contracts
  • Loss of local families is minimised
  • Income is generated locally which supports increased local expenditure
  • Biosecurity is improved through better pest and weed management by local landowners
  • Water catchments and impact on local water tables is improved
  • Fire risks are better managed

For further information, please contact:

Shire President Richard Walker - 0429 661 051 or

Shire CEO Leonard Long - 9765 1200


The Australian Government is providing $73.76 million in grant funding over four years from 2023–24 to 2026–27.

The funding supports the establishment of new long-rotation softwood and hardwood plantation forests in Australia and assists the sector in responding to the projected growth in demand for domestically sourced timber resources.

The objectives of the program are to:

  • increase future plantation forest resources available for processing, as well as for plantation forest management, harvesting and haulage employment
  • support private industry, First Nations businesses, farm foresters and state and territory government forestry bodies to expand the Australian plantation forest estate
  • contribute to meeting Australia’s carbon emission reduction targets, including under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Kyoto Protocol to the Climate Change Convention.

Funding of $2,000 (GST exclusive) per hectare of new long-rotation plantation forest established will be provided to successful grantees.

  • The minimum grant amount is $40,000 (GST exclusive).
  • There is no maximum grant amount, provided grant funding is available.

The grants require applicants to provide a co-contribution at least equal to the grant amount and are open to private industry, First Nations businesses, farm foresters and state and territory government forestry bodies.

For more information visit

To apply for the Grant visit Grant Connect

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