Several grant funded projects were completed in April 2020 including: the WABN Bicycle Network Grant for Phase 1 – Beatty St Shared Path; the Stronger Communities funded carousel and safety fence for Sandakan Playground; and, the Sport and Recreation Masterplan proudly supported by DLGSCI and the BBSRA.
Beatty Street Shared Bike Path
The Shire of Boyup Brook with the support of the Department of Transport 2019 - 20 Western Australian Bicycle Network Grants Program are implementing the Boyup Brook Bicycle Network Plan and working to achieve a built environment that enhances the lifestyle of the community and improves access and safety with the development of shared bike paths. The completed Beatty Street shared path project will provide improved access to the community swimming pool, recreation area as well as access to the Music Park and the Caravan Park. Phase 1 of this shared path project will improve access along Beatty Street from Forrest Street to Boyup Brook District High School.
Sandakan Playground Safety Fence and Carousel
With the support of the Stronger Communities program a safety fence and carousel has been installed at Sandakan Playground. The fence will provide a safe and secure place to play, especially for the younger children in the community.
Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan
At the April Council meeting the Sport and Recreation Precinct Master Plan was approved. The Shire of Boyup Brook with the support of the Boyup Brook Sport and Recreation Association (BBSRA) Inc and the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries have developed the Boyup Brook Sport and Recreation Precinct Masterplan. The concept plan provides a big picture diagram of the arrangement of the facility. The development of the precinct will require detailed design and budgeting, in future implementation stages.
Comprehensive stakeholder consultation has informed the planning process including:
- Project Sponsors and Key Stakeholders: The Shire of Boyup Brook and the BBSRA
- Individual Sport and Recreation Clubs: members of the BBSRA - online survey and forums
- Youth: Boyup Brook District High school students - focus group forum
- Other organised sport and recreation activities: non-members of BBSRA were contacted for comment
- Boyup Brook community - A widely advertised online survey was open to the community for a period of 3 weeks.
- Public forum and open public comment (see information in public consultation report Appendix 3).
Appendix 1:
Appendix 2:
Appendix 3:
If you have any feedback, questions or comments please contact the Shire Office.