Caravan Park and Flax Mill Project Update
As a result of a Shire initiated investigation into regulation compliance of the caravan park, a number of issues were identified and are currently being addressed.
FAQ about the project
What has been happening?
- Some minor upgrades to the ablution block were required and are almost complete.
- At the same time a facelift of the ablution facility is being undertaken which is also almost complete.
- Other required works include: upgrades to the power and lighting, fire fighting equipment and creating clearly designated camping bays.
- Another regulatory requirement is the provision of a camper’s kitchen. This will be established in the undercover area attached on the North side of the cottage (formerly the old Flax Mill office).
Why was the old Flax Mill kitchen/mess demolished?
Unfortunately, it was not practical to salvage this building due to very extensive white ant damage throughout the entire foundation and floor structure.The building's removal now allows for potential development of the caravan park to the north of the new camper's kitchen and existing ablution.
When will the work be completed?
All of these works are on schedule to be completed by the end of January 2019.
If you have any further questions please contact the Shire Administration Office 9765 1200 or email [email protected].