Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 

The Shire of Boyup Brook’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan 2024-2029 (DAIP) provides a planned approach to improving physical access to services and facilities, as well as incorporating inclusion at a participatory and service level.

The Plan reflects a commitment by the Shire of Boyup Brook to implement improvements to access and inclusion across seven outcome areas, in regards to services and events, buildings and facilities, information, quality of service, complaints, consultation processes and employment. The Plan benefits people with disability, the elderly, young parents and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

The Western Australian Disability Services Act (1993) requires that local governments develop a DAIP in accordance with the format prescribed in the Act and subsidiary regulations. The Shire’s DAIP has been prepared in accordance with these requirements.

To view the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan click HERE.

We continue to rely on the community’s feedback about our services and facilities and welcome comment on our progress.

The Shire of Boyup Brook is committed to assisting all community members and visitors to our shire.

Please contact Shire of Boyup Brooks customer service officer and ask for assistance with your specific request:

For further information contact:

  • Language assistance 1800 131 450
  • National Relay Service: 133 677 (TTY/voice calls) or
  • www.relayservice.com.au
  • Speak and Listen: 1300 555 727
  • Translating and Interpreting Service: 131 450