Latest News

Published on Wednesday, 26 May 2021 at 12:34:09 PM

Annual General Meeting of Electors

A date for the Annual Electors Meeting will be announced once the Shire has received the audit results.


Medical Centre

As the community will be aware, the Shire run Medical Centre currently has one doctor and is very busy.  Council has been instrumental in not only ensuring that Boyup Brook continued to have a doctor but also strived to recruit and retain doctors and this has been no easy task for a small Shire. The Shire is actively looking to secure another Doctor however this does not come without a substantial cost involved.  The annual cost of the Medical Centre to ratepayers is currently equal to 10% of all rates collected by the Shire. We ask for your patience during this busy time as we endeavour to provide the best possible medical care for our community.


Rylington Park

Council have been managing Rylington Park for the past year after the lease expired with the Rylington Park Management Inc.  The farm has continued to operate and produce a profit for the community and has continued to host community events such as Women’s Field Day - Storm in a Teacup along with shearing schools, workshops, and field days.  The Shire thanks the members of the Rylington Park Transitional Management Committee who have contributed their thoughts and advice through this process. Council will soon be requesting broader community input to help make a decision regarding future management of the farm.



Most of the money that the Shire receives comes from Commonwealth and State road grants, and these works must be finalised and acquitted for the Shire to receive these funds in the future. Unfortunately, during the last financial year the Shire was unable to complete its funded road works projects and has carried over funding. However, the Shire has been advised that if these works are not completed by the designated deadline, funding must be returned to the governing body. This also risks the Shire not being granted funding in future years. Grant funding works are currently being undertaken by a majority of the works depot crew and will be completed by 30 June 2021 in line with funding requirements.  To get our maintenance grading program back on track the Manager of Works and Services has arranged for an extra grader and operator to be added to the team.  


Works currently being undertaken on the Kulikup Road South will mean the road will remain closed until construction is complete which is scheduled for the end of June 2021.


Grant Funding Update

The Shire has received approval to proceed with the $351,364 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Round 2 projects that will be completed by December 2021. The Flax Mill Community Facilities Improvements project includes building and safety improvements, public viewing area lighting, exterior cladding on the scrunching shed (to prepare for a future mural) and camp kitchen upgrade. The Boyup Brook Swimming Pool upgrade will deliver inclusive access, improved safety with a new chlorine delivery system, improved toddler pool access, increased visual amenity with new floor coverings and reticulation, additional shade, and a new publicly accessible gym. The funds will also deliver improvements and repairs to the Lesser Hall flooring.


The Shire of Boyup Brook received $457,531 in funding for Round 1 projects. These projects are on track and will be completed by 30 June 2021 including the Boyup Brook Cranbrook Shoulder upgrades, additional street parking on Forrest Street, Stage 1 of the football lights (Stage 2 is pending the CSRFF grant outcome), Flax Mill and Tourist Centre upgrades. Announcements have been made and it is likely a third round of LRCI funding will be available in January 2022.

The Shire is also pleased to announce that with grant funding from the Australian Government through the support of the Stronger Communities Programme Round 6, we will be installing an automatic sliding door for the community swimming pool to improve access for all users including disability access. This project supports the Shire's Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and aims to ensure people with a disability have the same opportunities to access buildings and other facilities. The installation of the automatic sliding door will allow for wide, safe access and continuity of paths of travel to allow people to move through to the pool safely. The design focus is about not having to manually open the door to make it easier for all community members, including seniors, families with prams and young children to enter the building. This will allow greater maneuverability and assist to prevent falls for seniors who frequently access this vital community facility.


Briefing Session for 2021

Residents and Ratepayers are welcome to attend the Agenda Briefing Session which commences at 5.00pm in the Council Chambers.

20 May 2021

17 June 2021

22 July 2021

19 August 2021

23 September 2021

21 October 2021

18 November 2021

9 December 2021


Council Meeting for 2021

Residents and Ratepayers are welcome to attend the Ordinary Council meeting which commences at 5.00pm in the Council Chambers.

27 May 2021

24 June 2021

29 July 2021

26 August 2021

30 September 2021

28 October 2021

25 November 2021

16 December 2021



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